UL, LTFE: Brezplačno spletno usposabljanje za izvajanje programa Google Coursera, rok za prijavo: 20. 5. 2021
Vabimo Vas na brezplačno usposabljanje aktivnega prebivalstva in sodelovanje za boljše karierne možnosti. Prijave tukaj. V digitalnem inovacijskem stičišču 4PDIH so združili moči z iniciativo Grow with Google in se povezali v partnerstvo za izvajanje programa Google Coursera, kjer je na voljo 200 brezplačnih licenc za izobraževanja s področja...
Evropska komisija je sprejela bančni sveženj, katerega namen je začasno olajšati kreditiranje
Koristne informacije: več info Razlagalno sporočilo Komisije o uporabi računovodskih in bonitetnih okvirov za olajšanje bančnega kreditiranja v EU (pomoč podjetjem in gospodinjstvom v času pandemije COVID-19): https://ec.europa.eu/info/publications/200428-banking-package-communication_en Predlog spremembe uredbe o bonitetnih zahtevah za kreditne institucije in investicijska podjetja: https://ec.europa.eu/info/publications/200428-banking-package-communication_en...
Veljati začele spremembe in dopolnitve zakona o interventnih ukrepih ZIUZEOP-A
S 1. majem so pričele veljati Spremembe in dopolnitve Zakona o interventnih ukrepih za zajezitev epidemije COVID-19 in omilitev njenih posledic (ZIUZEOP-A). Novela prinaša nekatere spremembe pri dosedanjih ukrepih ter tudi pri uveljavljanju povračila nadomestila plače zaposlenih. Delodajalci, ki so delavce poslali na čakanje oz. so ti delavci odsotni...
Ob 30-letnici Dobe in 21-letnici online študija v Sloveniji – brezplačen predmet
Več info tukaj....
DOBA FAKULTETA:Webinar Komuniciranje z zaposlenimi na daljavo četrtek, 7. maj, ob 19.00
Več info je tukaj....
IOLAR L.t.d., translation company
Iolar is the leading translation company in the region of South-East Europe. It provides its clients a range of services, from translation of difficult documentation to software localisation packages for the languages of this geographic area. They have prepared a special offer for the members of the Strategic Development...
Invitation to the companies for participation and entry into the procurement chain of the BOSCH Group
SPIRIT Slovenia, a public agency in cooperation with Robert Bosch GmbH and the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Berlin, invites interested Slovenian companies to submit their interest in cooperation and entry into the purchasing chain of Robert Bosch GmbH in the following areas: 1. automotive industry –...
Public invitation for Slovenian companies to participate in the economic delegation to Ningbo, Zheijang Province, the People’s Republic of China, from June,8th to June, 11th 2018
Public invitation for Slovenian companies to participate in the economic delegation to Ningbo, Zheijang Province, the People’s Republic of China, from June,8th to June, 11th 2018. Slovenia will present itself this year with companies and their products and services in the following areas: Automotive industry (preferred companies in the...
The Interreg ADRION program opened the 2nd public call for projects from Priority Axis 2 – Tourism and the Environment
On March, 26th 2018, the Interreg ADRION program opened the 2nd public call for projects from Priority Axis 2 – Tourism and the Environment. The tender, which offers EUR 34.3 million of EU funds, will be open until June 26th 2018. The full tender documentation is available on the...
SPIRIT Slovenia: Call for tender “Promoting partnerships for more effective participation in foreign markets 2018 – 2019”
The objective of the public tender is to establish partnerships and their appearance on foreign markets. Enterprises that expand their activities in foreign markets or enter new markets will, through their involvement in partnerships, improve the opportunities for entering or expanding their operations on foreign markets. The indicative total...